Sunday, August 22, 2010

Meeting Deadlines

I love it when a plan comes together.
My paper/stitch book is completed. Full reveal coming on Tuesday.
Charity quilt completed. Was very heavy, so quilting lines are a bit irregular, but I've been told it works. Not my style, but happy to contribute to a good causeIf you want to see my style of quilts, click here, and also check back about Thursday. I will share the 4 quilts I am exhibiting next weekend.
Found this DVD on sale and purchased it at last. Has been on my list for quite a while: Couple of other movie recommendations from this weekend. The first is a story of love : first love, love of ballet, love and loyalty to your home country, but mainly love of family. This is uplifting. And it's based on a true story.
This second movie had love in it too : first love, and the love of roller derby! Directorial debut by Drew Barrymore. Click here to read the review I would have written if I was that articulate! I turned this movie off feeling good. Hope to see you again very soon. Have a good week.

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