Tuesday, January 30, 2024

January review : Cards

January is always project heavy because I'm on holidays from my school job and I can work late into the night with long daylight hours. Decided that I would pop in with this card review post so my general January review post tomorrow isn't so big! 
I finished my last card from the 12 backgrounds I made back in August. 
They served me well and I thought it would be fun to see all the bases and then completed cards as a collection (scroll back through this link to see my card posts with them larger)
I also had some leftover card from making the bookmarks for my librarians
Combined with floral fodder from November that gave me another 7 cards to choose from for early January birthdays.
It really pays to be creative with what you have. I had some that I had to cut smaller than I usually would, but I actually like them framed with more white showing. Always making new discoveries. 
I then wanted to try out a new background idea and recycled collage fodder from old calendars.
As is my usual practice, I created a couple of base master sheets that were then cut down and stitched to card blanks.
I also went rogue and tried one new stencil from Leaca Young.
I am well set up for the first few months of the year. When I need to make more I may experiment more with this stencil idea.
This month's tutor in Fodder School 3 was Megan Quinlan with a wonderful project of Affirmation decks. See my full post about my deck of "Advice from the Sea" HERE.
I LOVE creating art cards and that project inspired me to create my own 52 Cards 2024 challenge for the year. Read about the beginnings HERE. My own rules : I must include stitch, the colour turquoise and a word. 
I have posted details about the meanings as I share them weekly on my Instagram and Facebook Artist's page.
Be back tomorrow with my review of what else I've been up to in January. 


  1. All the gorgeous eye candy! Love all you've made, xoxo


    1. Thanks so much. Really happy with my creative groove at present ♥


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