Thursday, January 18, 2024

52 Cards 2024

In the past I have loved doing a weekly year-long project. In 2020 it was Journal 52 - I responded to prompts from Effy Wild on jumbo playing cards
In 2021 it was 52 tags - a weekly challenge with Anne Brooke
In 2022 I did a monthly journal which included responses to new journal prompts from Effy Wild. I completed the journals but only 42 weeks of the journal prompts. Still a good effort, but I miss being able to flip through the cards as they are included within the pages of the journals. 
Last year I didn't do anything weekly. I missed having a weekly creative goal, and believe I struggled to create generally because of that.
This month our Fodder School lessons are inspiration card decks with Megan Quinlan. See a wee flip through on her InstagramIt got me hankering to do another 52 cards. Last year I was gifted a large number of journaling cards - they are all from different sets, but all measure 4"x 6" (10 x 15 cm). This time I'm setting my own challenge : to create a card that reflects the past week (ending Sunday). I must include stitch, the colour turquoise and a word. 
Week 1 : 
Our Summer holiday in Akaroa and Christchurch.
Week 2 : 
I finished this quilt for my sister-in-law's birthday (the 2 fabrics on the left of the card are from the background blocks and sashing), her party was on Saturday, and on Sunday 2 new kittens moved in at our house
Each week I'll choose a card that will become the back for journaling - adding
 the date with thoughts/highlights/events. 
I am so excited about this and will share progress in my monthly review posts on this blog, and weekly on my Instagram and Facebook Artist's page.


  1. What a great idea you built from your Fodder School and other mixed media participation. A weekly "diary" sounds like quite a manageable goal. Love the new kittens. Getting two is fun because they are so entertaining when they play together.

    1. Thanks Nancy. I find the weekly project so motivating. Happy 2024 to you

  2. Gorgeous projects! I do a weekly 4x6 art piece at Sunday Postcard Art - check it out, it might interest you!
    XOX, Aimes


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