Sunday, April 3, 2022

March monthly journal and welcome April

Time to share my completed March monthly journal.
 I so enjoyed creating in this one and being inspired by Fodder school lessons once more.
Our fodder school teacher for March has been Rebecca Chapman and I remembered the stickers which I made in August last year during the free fodder challenge. Rebecca's got that lesson on YouTube now for you to enjoy. 
So cool that I found a way to use those outside pieces. You never know where fodder will work!
Each weekend, I try and do the spread for the week ahead. Sometimes I'm stumped for inspiration.  If in doubt, stencil is always my answer! I had some lovely Gecko stickers from some books purchased at work that week and that led me to add some other stickers that have been languishing for years in a drawer. So happy to use what I have.
I include my Journal 52 art in these monthly journals. See my previous post for detail about these pieces. Below left is a flip out inside the front cover
View when open
And inside the back cover which flips open to reveal the journal blocks further above
really love including my art in my journals, but was trying to think of how to break it up a bit...the obvious solution (that I can't believe I didn't think of sooner!) is that I don't need to stitch my pages together the same way each time. January to March have extra flip-out pages inside the covers because of the formula I saw in the original daily creative practice journals which inspired me, but April and May are going to be different - I am sooo excited by this 💜 This is one of the joys of working in a series - new discoveries.
I've chosen Yellow for April - Easter, school holidays, and Autumn colour. I decided to take a photo of some blooms still on my Graham Thomas rose to include on my cover. It still mostly feels like summer with gorgeous sunny days. 
And I've started the first spread inside - keeping it simple. I may add more later. Daylight Savings ended here last night, a sure sign that Autumn is on its way.
See all my posts about this project HERE.


  1. These are so very creative! March looks just wonderful and really showcases your current projects. A great use for the fodder.

    1. Thanks Nancy. I am so excited about what I might discover in April.

  2. Lovely to see all your pages in the March journal and yellow is perfect for April! xx


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