Monday, August 2, 2021

Birthday cards

I've been creating another batch of bases for cards working with collage and colour on watercolour paper. This is really good fun to create base papers that can later be used as collage fodder - you could do this on book paper, sheet music, magazine pages, maps... if you can think of a paper you could add these layers.
Stencil details added then trimmed down ready for further embellishment.
One turned into Tag 24
Here are some turned into cards already gifted - I love to add stitch so I always decorate my feature card and then stitch it on at the end. 
And I recently used another for a paper doll
Really looking forward to using the rest.
Back to work today for me. Happy August to you - hope the sun is shining where you are.


  1. I like how you work on these in a batch so they are ready as needed. And a personal touch is always nice.

    1. I really love this lot and can't wait to do more with them.

  2. I'm still struggling with the card-making aspect of mixed media (I don't know why!) - but you make it look so effortless - always an inspiration!


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