Thursday, August 19, 2021

52 Tags : Week 33

I'm participating in Anne Brooke's weekly Tag challenge. You can view her demo each week on Youtube #52tagshannemade. Week 33 : Little Flags. Began this tag on Monday night and the key represented the weekend of celebrating our eldest son's 21st. By midnight Tuesday, New Zealand had unexpectedly entered Lockdown so now the key symbolises 2 things.
This was a fun challenge which enabled me to use these cute wee wooden pegs on a piece of string to attach my flags. We are working from home and happy in our bubble. Anxiously awaiting news of more cases and whether we'll be moving down levels next week. I hope you are safe. So grateful that we were able to celebrate with Jacob and his close friends and family last Saturday night. This is my lovely family - before you ask, my sons are 6'7'"and 6'3" respectively. The younger one is still growing. 
And this is the wonderfully creative cake made by Sweet As Kisses Cakes - highly recommended. It tasted as good as it looks   
This link will take you to all of my posts about the tag challenge. 


  1. Well, the tag is just fabulous with so many little details. Lucky indeed that you were able to celebrate Jacob's significant birthday just before the lockdown. What an amazing birthday cake that is! I don't think I would have been able to cut into that! 6'7" and 6'3"??? What are you feeding them with LOL? Whatever it is, let me know - my son needs to grow taller - he's only just reached my height and he's almost 17. I'm quite tall though, but not tall enough for a man. Both your sons dwarf you and that's how it's supposed to be :) Strapping young men - lovely to see the whole family together.

  2. Love the tag- it's a fun one. Happy birthday- what an incredible cake!! I'm glad you celebrated before return to lockdown, and hope it won't be long before things turn in a right direction.

    1. Thanks Nancy. We were so lucky. Hopefully going in hard and fast will work again to slow the cases.


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