Wednesday, August 11, 2021

52 Tags : Week 32

I'm participating in Anne Brooke's weekly Tag challenge. You can view her demo each week on Youtube #52tagshannemade. Week 32 : Daisy stitch. Lovely tag to do and very happy to be able to include my usual sari ribbon, a piece of inherited lace, and those sweet wee metal beads from my stash. I usually like to work in threes but I only had two and I think it works.
This tag reminds me of Spring. We are getting closer. This link will take you to all of my posts about this challenge.


  1. Your stitching looks so pretty on this one.

  2. Another beautiful addition to your collection - it will be fun seeing all 52 together at the end of the year! I didn't even notice those little metal beads at first, but they're so cute and there's no reason why you could not use just two! Sometimes breaking the "rules" is actually beneficial!


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