Monday, August 23, 2021

52 Tags : one for Anne

I'm very grateful to be able to participate in Anne Brooke's weekly Tag challenge. You can view her demo each week on Youtube #52tagshannemade. She lives in the UK and I live in New Zealand, and yet I can still learn from her. She is so generous providing a free weekly lesson on Youtube that when she issued the challenge at our half way point to send her a tag, I knew I wanted to do it. At the end of my school holidays I finally decided what I'd do and I posted her tag off early August. Decided to leave sharing here until I knew it had arrived over there. Very happy to see her post this photo over the weekend 
I decided that I'd repeat my tag from Week 5 : Kisses since I am loving this challenge so much. Here's my original tag and my gatherings for Anne's one. 
I made my base first and it's not exactly the same as my tag, but is a fraternal twin ♥
Here's her tag with my card of thanks. 
This link will take you to all of my posts about this challenge.


  1. "fraternal twin" LOL - indeed! Lovely to see yours amongst all the others - I think I would have been able to identify yours without knowing! Love the pinky tones in it! xx

    1. That's so lovely to hear. I am glad we both are developing a signature style.


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