Thursday, June 3, 2021

Wanderlust : Finding your inspiration

Another lesson in Wanderlust 2021 with our Poems & Quotes theme. This one was with Shawn Petite about finding your inspiration and story. She suggested we begin with a quote. This is a favourite and one I try to live by.
My true self loves a base layer of collage, upper layers of stencils with colours that make me happy, adding collage fodder from a previous wanderlust lesson and some gelli paper fun
and washi tape to add some last dark finishing touches. This page became easy once I stopped thinking and just let myself be led my intuition. 
See all my other posts about this class HERE


  1. I really love this page, Lynette! Shawn Petit is one of my favourite artists these days and you did a wonderful job here!

    1. I did enjoy her process and am very happy with how this turned out


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