Saturday, May 22, 2021

Wanderlust : Marvellous from discarded

Another week in Wanderlust 2021 with our Recycled theme, this time with Marta Lapkowska (Maremi). Check out her YouTube channel for further inspiration. We're using 
vintage book pages, music sheets, old tags, pretty napkins and collage elements - all things I have in abundance in my stash 💜  
Recycling ephemera to build up layers of collage and adding modeling paste for extra texture. My art journal - a place to dream and ignite my creativity 
See all my other posts about this class HERE


  1. This looks marvellous, I really like it! Love Marta as well. Having a bit of Wanderlust envy now, but I know I couldn't keep up.

    1. Thanks Zsuzsa. It's definitely a commitment - glad I have my small journal and I am giving myself permission to skip a few lessons.

  2. This is wonderful- it invites a touch! Marta's ideas are always terrific. Nicely done.

    1. Thanks. I enjoyed adding her style to mine :-)


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