Wednesday, May 19, 2021

52 Tags : Week 20

I'm participating in Anne Brooke's weekly Tag challenge. You can view her demo each week on Youtube #52tagshannemade. Week
 20 : Pekinese stitch. A pretty stitch which I decided would best be showcased by some beautiful threads that I've been hoarding... 
I bought mine from Minerva in Wellington (New Zealand) but if you google Oliver Twists Happy Bags they'll be available elsewhere in many gorgeous colours. A tag simply devoted to trying out this stitch...a little more challenging than I thought cos of twisty threads but I love these colours so much. Found words attached with gel medium.
I realise now that I kept loops inside my circles and they could have (should have?) been pulled close to form an even line but I rather like this bubbliness in my design. This link will take you to all of my posts about this challenge.


  1. What an interesting stitch- and the threads add to the interest. Very pretty.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous - not sure I would have the patience but I admire yours! xx

  3. Thank you both. This turned out prettier than I thought it might ♥


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