Saturday, April 17, 2021

All Occasion Cards

I needed to make some more birthday cards and I had this wonderful piece of watercolour paper which I had used to clean my stencils when I taught a class a couple of years ago.
I decided that I would cut this piece down randomly to fit my card fronts when stitched on - and suddenly I have really cool unexpected backgrounds to use. 
My dragonfly from my gelli journal collage fodder play looks great on this piece
And here's the completed card 
I saw this sticker book on a post the other day and decided it would be useful for me to own...
They make nice easy additions to these backgrounds for future cards. 
Did you spot the hot tip I learned recently about separating serviettes by using tape?!
I have shared before that you can isolate images by drawing around them with a damp brush.
I really love serviette images on cards
And here's the whole collection from what started as random pieces. They just need some found words added as the occasion arises.
Now happy to say that today is the start of 2 weeks of school holidays. Hopefully lots of creativity will be happening around here to share with you.


  1. Your cards are exquisite! The "clean up" watercolor paper was dieal. I've been seeing a lot about that sticker book lately. Looks very useful. As always, the stitching adds just the right touch on these. Well done.

    1. Thank you Nancy ♥ I'm not sorry I purchased the sticker book.


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