Wednesday, April 14, 2021

52 Tags : Week 15

Although I haven't been doing much creatively that can be shared this past couple of weeks, I am thrilled to be keeping up with Anne Brooke's weekly Tag challenge. You can view her demo each week on Youtube #52tagshannemade. Week 15 : Tiny landscape. A great opportunity to use sari ribbon, lovely dyed scrim, beads, lace and some stitches from previous weeks.
Noting here that there is another stitched project that I am working on, but it is secret until the end of the month. I began it over Easter at a sewing day with a couple of girlfriends. Can't wait to share more than this sneak peek. 


  1. Love your landscape- especially the sun and stitching around it.

  2. Hurray for your school holidays starting - just when ours end (boohoo) I will miss the lie-ins! A very luxurious tag - I can definitely see the landscape in it! xx


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