Friday, March 5, 2021

Wanderlust : Serendipity

Wanderlust Week 9 with Kasia Avery. The first lesson of the month is always with our host as we move to a new monthly theme. March's theme is Serendipity : building your intuitive art practice to help you focus on the process rather than the result. Joy in the process is a big part of why I create so I'm sure I'm going to love the offerings this month. Kasia's lesson focused on responding to what is happening on the page right here right now, rather than planning anything too far ahead. Her lesson looked like this
I almost didn't do it....I had a bit of a slump in creativity this past week. But today I decided I'd have a go and would just start with pink and silvery grey and focus on whether I could include a collaged face and use more white on the page. As I searched for a face and gathered some paper, serendipity immediately took me in a different direction than even that small idea and I found myself working with a figure and roses.
I love this softness and was very careful that I didn't overwork this spread. The ultimate in serendipity for me is found words ♥ Although I didn't succeed in using more white on my page, I am very happy with how this turned out.

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