Sunday, March 7, 2021

Free online inspirations for March

We are so lucky to live in this world of online access to teaching designed to inspire our creativity. These are free online lessons available from this month. 
Strathmore Workshop 1 has begun this month :  Watercolour and Gouache
There's a 2021 Sketchbook revival event beginning March 18th. All the info HERE.
It runs live for 2 weeks and available to watch until April 18th. I always sign up to these since even if only a couple of artists inspire it makes it worthwhile. If you sign up now you get a free lesson with Kiala Givehand to make this book - a combination of accordian covers and simple pamphlet stitching
Jeanne Oliver has a number of free offerings. Go HERE to find all of them including her most recent offering of Face mapping with Pam Carriker
Free writing with Sabrina Ward Harrison HERE
Paint your dream life with Stephanie Lee HERE
Did you know that Ranger have a blog of tutorials by various artists using their products? I'm in love with Megan Whisner Quinlan's art and techniques at present. She has an IGTV channel where she has some lovely demonstrations. Some of her projects feature on the Ranger blog with photos accompanying written instruction 

Remember I keep a list of free online art classes that are available in an ongoing way HERE (always linked right under my profile). Hope you are enjoying a happy and creatively inspired March.


  1. Always appreciate it when you share these resources! Thank you.

    1. So happy to hear this. I will continue to do so :-)


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