Thursday, January 7, 2021

Journal Jam : Believe

Journal Jam - first one for 2021 and I'm on holiday so could do it live :-) Effy Wild is in Canada - her 2pm afternoon is my 8am the next day. Watch the replay HERE.
Add squares of colour - rolled for colour - blue Effy used watercolour. I used Phtalo blue transparent paint for similar watercolour effect. You can see that somehow the flower stabilo outline from last journal jam is showing in the background. This will get covered. No other problems with quality of this watercolour journal so far.
Use a colour you love and Effy decided to use a stencil with that She's seeing sky with stars, I'm seeing sea...I used one of my fav iridescent paints with swirly stencil and then finished off the paint through a circle stencil
Brayer I'm going gold....
Scrapey tooly thingy! - rolled for colour - purple Yay! Using a credit card. 
Metallic Yay again. Keep adding subtle - this time the Lumier Halo Violet gold (also from last journal jam). More stencil for me
Add a glaze To unite the spread. I used Transparent Dioxazine Purple and blended it with a wet wipe to make sure it wasn't too much. The metallics glow through
Quick! draw a flower I don't want a flower again and Effy goes into finishing off from here so I let mine dry and then came back in the afternoon knowing I needed a bold move. 
I really love using butterflies in my work. Lay down a mask and sponged around the edge with matte black, and then followed that by sponging around the rest of the outside with Pebeo Iridescent Blue Black
Just needed some gold pen work and words to complete this one.


  1. Love how you brought all the random prompts together in the end! This must have been so much fun!


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