Saturday, December 12, 2020

More FREE online offerings

I'm almost at the end of our school year. Our students finished yesterday so there are only a few teacher only days to go and then there'll be time for art. I have been feeling overwhelmed and exhausted but had a fabulous sleep last night and am looking forward to considering all the creative opportunities available and making decisions about what I'll be enjoying in 2021.
Happily, as soon as I finish work properly, there are these FREE online offerings to help me on the way : 
Susannah Conway has 2 lovely free 5-day email courses to help you Unravel Your Year
and Find Your Word for 2021
Andrea Schroeder has Journal prompts for 2021
They include looking back, looking forward, and access to her other free offerings.
You may remember that in the last school holidays I shared some lessons from a free Life Book 2021 Taster event. Tam at Willowing Arts has now made this available as a FREE 7-day taster HERE
And for January - Jeanne Oliver is offering a new free series called Rhythms + Rituals
My thoughts are also turning to hope that I can produce a few handmade Christmas cards for some special people. You might also be thinking of handmade gifts. I shared my most recent book mark making HEREThe Gelli Arts® Blog has shared some really fabulous projects that would make great gifts. In this post there are links to some of their favorites.
I have so many ideas starting to bubble to the surface now there is room in my head. Can't wait to share soon. Hope you are finding something that gives you Joy in December.


  1. We still have a week of school left, but luckily my son's mocks have now finished - it was an exhaustive two weeks for us too helping him revise! It's amazing how many free offerings and discounted courses there are at around this time of year - I've spotted the one from Jeanne Oliver too and signed up! Hope you can get around to making an advent journal - I know Kasia's doing a shortened version of last year's - for a crazy second I thought I would be able to do both, but I'm finding it a challenge to just keep on top of the one I'm doing. Hope you'll get the time off now to catch up and relax. I'll have to work up until 22nd but it's easier working from home. Happy Christmas preparations!

    1. I am very lucky that I have a long holiday ahead. Merry Merry xo

  2. Your break is on the horizon and it looks as if you have tons of new instructionals to explore. Have fun and rest up at the same time!

    1. Thanks Nancy. I am definitely looking forward to less structure in my days for a while....and lots of fun :-)
      Merry Merry


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