Sunday, September 27, 2020

Book of Days : Resilient

So excited to have reached the last spread in my altered art journal! I introduced this journal in January last year, and this was how it looked in January this year. 
Decided that the best way to finish this book was with a Book of Days portrait lesson from Melanie Rivers in June called Resilient. She encouraged a loose and playful style.
I began with my face sketch on the right hand page, and felt I needed to honour myself as I end this journal. No curly hair for me at present and I am still making my peace with that. I also had to come up with something other than hair flowing to the facing page! This spread was a struggle in some ways and a healing in others. 
Pleased to have included Shine in my spread. And in a lovely flash of inspiration and closure, this last spread uses the same stencil from my first spread!
I finish with huge gratitude for my creative practice and this art journal which has helped me navigate the challenges of 2020 so far. 

Obviously this recycled book needs some work on the spine and I'd like to alter the cover in some way. I'll share that when it's done and looking forward to introducing you to my new art journal.
Find out more about the collaborative year-long class Book of Days 2020 HERE. Effy's currently working on what 2021 will look like and has said registration will open on November 15th. THIS LINK will take you to all the work I've ever done inspired by Book of Days through the years. 


  1. Lovely spread, and your book looks so nice and full now! Will await your cover- something wonderful will emerge.

    1. So gorgeous to have a full art journal. No clue yet what the cover will be! I am grateful for your confidence ♥


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