Sunday, September 20, 2020

Journal 52 : Week 38

Journal 52 is a weekly prompt from Effy Wild 
(Free HEREthat I'm creating on a deck of jumbo playing cards 3.5'' x 4.75'' (8.5 x 12 cm)Each card will include stitch, a found word, and be inspired by the project I've been working on that week or what's lying leftover on my work table. 
See the original post HERE.
#38 : Intend. How perfect. My word for this year is to Shine with Intention. I've been doing my best in the face of Cancer and Covid, and this is a great reminder as we enter Spring and feelings of a fresh start, there's still a generous quarter of the year to go and I can re-focus on what's important and brings joy. Here's a quick revisit of my word : 
In 2020 I will SHINE with INTENTION
S = Self-care 
Stitch, make Art, read, listen to music - do what recharges me
Develop relationships - support others and accept support 
Believe in myself
Share - I'm an extrovert so this also recharges me
H = Healthy
Good eating + Gym habit = Energised
Be mindful
Nurture body and Soul
I = Intentional
Regularly spend time doing what I love
Reflection = improvements to habits
Be present
Align my actions with my dreams
Using Oracle/Tarot to strengthen my Intuition and Intention
N = Notice
Embrace joy - seek it out - sit with it
Practice gratitude and love
Be mindful
E = Ease
A gentle approach - self-compassion
Following the path that feels good for me
Letting go of the unrealistic expectations I wouldn't hold for others
Making space for silence 
At the beginning of this project, our first prompt was Heart and I included my words
This time I'm inspired by the colours of my latest art journal spread and a gorgeous Spring day
My journal spread is the last in my altered art journal. I decided to use a page originally removed from this book as my base so my card will also celebrate the end of the journal and include some extra lovely found words. Some pretty serviettes and sari ribbon = a Spring inspired card full of intention to Shine.
Find all my Journal 52 posts HERE


  1. Your 2020 word goals are wide ranging and positive- they inspire such lovely art work.

    1. Thrilled to be reinspired. I hope you know how much your lovely comments mean to me :-)

  2. Beautiful sentiments about a fresh start and new beginnings - and I'm just loving all your cards. The number of times I've started card decks and never followed through! I'm inspired by your collection and it's wonderful seeing it grow! Enjoy your Spring and renewal - I won't miss the heat on this side of the globe, but I will miss watching my plants thrive! Make sure you post lots of photos of yours! Have a lovely weekend!

    1. First day of hols today. I am soaking up inspiration. Hopefully actual art tomorrow! I am so happy that I have kept up with the cards this year. Too invested to not follow through til the end now ;-)


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