Sunday, May 10, 2020

Creating a book a month : May change of direction

This was going to be a post where I shared my progress on my stitching roll
Follow this link to find out more about Anne Brooke's gorgeous stitch project with tutorials on YouTube. 
This past week I haven't felt very well and I've spent more time looking at other people's work than I have creating. It's been frustrating but I'm feeling better today. What I've realised, though, is that no matter how much I love looking at the examples of other people's stitching rolls on Instagram, it's just not spinning my creative wheels at present. I'm not going to do something which isn't sparking joy at present so I've packed this project idea away for another time. 
While I love to create with fabric and stitch, my greatest enjoyment happens when I add paper to that mix. One of my favourite mixed media fabric projects from the past was my gorgeous fabric banner which I created in 2014 and even taught as a class. It sits above my computer desk in my studio
Since I had such lovely gatherings and colours for my stiching roll, I'm going to use them but change my project into a banner of prayer flags. I'm letting it fit my Creating a book a month project since they are supposed to be : small and gorgeous, mixed media and stitched, and it's going to be created using old book pages as part of the base AND it's what my heart needs right now. Beginning with some paper gatherings, stamped words, using organza and stitch to sandwich paper and make some little elements. 
It's going to be an intuitive process and I'm excited again💜
I was partly inspired to begin by seeing Kasia Avery's fun Prayer Flag project. Mine will be nothing like this, but you can sign up for FREE HERE.
I also found a delightful banner inspired by Kasia's lesson here. It was featured in Somerset Studio in 2017 
Wishing you a creative week. May you be inspired to do what you love


  1. Sorry to hear you had a rough week, but glad you are feeling better and got your creative spark reignited. The prayer flag project sounds just right.


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