Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Snippet roll hand stitching project

I know I don't need to add another art project to my list this year BUT....when I recently posted about some FREE online art inspirations I shared Anne Brooke's 2020 project of making a stitched roll through the year
Follow the challenge on YouTube here. This is what hers looks like in her Youtube post for March : 
I originally thought this might be an option for me for one of my monthly books, but then I thought I might try doing it as a portable stitch project for when I go to my Monday night quilt housegroup (since I don't quilt much now!), for when I'm having quiet days with Chemo, for waiting in the car to pick up my son from school....I talked myself into it. No expectations about how quickly this will move or how long I will stick with it!
First the gatherings. She works on a cotton reel - I lOVED this project which I did in 2015 on a large reel (the strip measures approximately 11.5cm which is 4 1/2") - it was machine stitched. 
The problem is to find another reel and I was considering alternatives like a small wooden rolling pin (that link takes you to Spotlight for $6.50) but the universe helped me along. A little voice in my head whispered to have a quick check in my thread cupboard just in case another idea presented itself and way in the back I found this which I had completely forgotten about! 
No idea where I got it from. Once the wool was removed I was happy to find that as I'd hoped it's got a lovely gap to the edge to wrap as long a length as I would want.
My stitched strip width will need to be 14.5cm (5 3/4") which is a little wider than I might have chosen, but who am I to argue with this unexpected sign to start immediately ♥ My chosen colours are going to be my 2 favourites of turquoise and purple - Paua colours that work beautifully together and I know I have plenty in my stash to add and I won't get bored looking at this. As is my habit - here's a photo of my initial gatherings. Click on the photo to see it larger.
Pulling out some lovely felts, wools, ribbons, batiks, scrim and a few embellishments just to get me started and know that I will adore this project. I have a wonderful selection of threads for hand stitching in the box on the left, and I have much more fabric selection in my cupboards that will come out to play as time goes on. 
I'm going to start working on a piece of leftover black batting measuring  5 3/4" x 46" (14.5cm x 117cm). After watching Anne's first project video, here's my initial layout
Next time I'll share some stitching progress. No promises when when that will be but I look forward to when that time comes. If you want to check others' projects, you can look on Instagram HERE.


  1. Oh dear... I had decided to pull back from many arty experiments, and go back to my true love of book binding / making. But... I have one of those bigger reels - 4.5 inches.... I was resisting this but now, well, it seems a waste to have that reel just sitting there. I've never really done hand sewing other than a bit of mending, but I've been looking at a few FB pages, and a few Instagram accounts, and a few library books and I think it's time! After all, it's a scroll, which is kinda book making, isn't it?

    1. Absolutely and doesn't have to be complex stitching either. Do share with me when you get some done :-)

  2. Oh yes, you have just what you need to get underway. I enjoyed seeing her videos and remember how much fun it was making a Snippet Roll some years back. Just sitting and stitching is so soothing.

    1. I think it will be a great project on many levels


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