Friday, March 27, 2020

Journal Jam 1 with Effy

Effy Wild is sharing a weekly Journal Jam live in The Wilderhood (her Monday, my Tuesday morning) and my last journal page following the prompts turned out so well I decided that after my work hours from home were finished this week, I'd join in again. If you want the replay go HERE. She draws prompts and shares how she works in response to those directly in her journal, and you can follow her lead or go in a totally different direction. I've re-titled this Journal Jam 1 since this is officially the start of a weekly offering by Effy. This was her finished page 
Here's what happened at my place : 
Blue Scraped 2 blues on with credit card and then finished blending with baby wipe
Drippage Effy used acrylic ink so I looked at my stash for what colour would be pretty... and if one is lovely 2 is better right?! 
Scrape paint with a gift card or other scrapey tooly thingy Using my rubber/silicone tool (No brand name) and some paint called melonball which I thought might inject a bit more yellow light
...not in love but it's a texture layer
Use a smudgeable pencil to outline something on the page and smudge it out Followed Effy's lead by reaching for my black Stabilo All pencil (very water reactive - some alternatives if you don't have one are HERE). One of my favourite things is "found words" - perfect to be using an old book for my art journal. Outlined and smudged Stabilo and then went over the words with an XS black Pitt Pen : dearly loved. There's only one thing to be done. art
Obeyed the impulse to add a bit more smudged Stabilo. Then sprayed with workable fixative so this doesn't react again. 
Add a leaf Yay - stencil time....and I know it says ''a'' leaf but my page my rules! I always like to inject something of my NZ into my art where I can
I know I'm going to have to add some injection of colour but I'm really liking this
Want to add some definition before I move to the next prompt so added brush Pitt pen to outline the ferns and then blended out with a wet brush. These pens are great in that there is a little time when you first apply when they can be shifted but after that they are permanent.
Add overlapping circles An opportunity to add a touch of bronze
And now I can finish the page as I wish. My first inclination is to add serviette butterflies and that made me feel the page was complete. The red ones are perfect to highlight the words.
I would never have created this page alone and enjoyed this process so much. Happy weekend to you.

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