Saturday, March 28, 2020

A Year of Rumi : March with FREE lesson links

I'm being inspired by Effy's A Year of Rumi online class again this year but in my art journal this time. See what I did with the class in 2019 HERE. See my January and February 2020 posts in my art journal HERELast year Effy shared a speed painted version of her March lesson on YouTube. Find that HERE.
I really love the roses in this one and what Effy did with the eye, but it's taken me until now to attempt my own version since I wasn't quite sure which way I wanted to take it. Effy has very generously decided to release her Darling Human tutorial for March FOR FREE FOR ALL with no strings attached. Go HERE. The PDF contains everything you need to enjoy this lesson, including links to the videos, supplies list, and a step-by-step walkthrough.
I thought this would be a great springboard for my Rumi lesson since it's a one-eyed portrait and Effy also demonstrates working with a right hand facing ‘palette page’ which you can then turn into a painting and a perfect place for a quote. With those 2 inspirations, here's what happened in my journal. Click on any photo to see it larger.
Find out more about A Year of Rumi with Effy Wild HERE. All the lessons are available for instant access in the classroom. There's also a very supportive and inspiring FB group. See all my posts about this class HERE.


  1. Love your spread- great hair!

    1. I love her hair too. Really enjoyed the process of creating this spread


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