Sunday, March 15, 2020

Creating a book a month : March Meander

I have an Intention to create a book a month this year : small and gorgeous, mixed media and stitched. I had this lovely book out from the library again last month (published 2011)
and rediscovered this lovely project by Susie LaFond
It seemed the perfect inspiration for creating my book for March. I'm pairing it with Kellee Wynne's online workshop "The Layered Page" which she is offering free for a very limited time this month (EDIT : Now open indefinitely while we are practicing social distancing). Sign up HERE. This is an example of Kellee's work from this class : 
I've begun by cutting recycled book pages into 6"squares. The project requires 8 squares so I have cut 16 so that I can add stitch if I want and I will back them before joining into the book format. I'm working with nature's palette of blues and greens for my backgrounds. Here's how I've started with inspiration from Kellee's online class.
Click on any photo to see larger. I'm really happy with how they look so far. Will share again when my book is completed. I'm keeping my theme secret until then. See my other posts about this project HERE.


  1. I've enjoyed The Layered Page as well, and loved Effy's Darling Human free lesson. I can't find my Tombow markers, and don't have any flesh tones anyway, so my project is awaiting its next steps. The book looks interesting, as does Susie's fold-out book. Your pages are lookng lovely.

  2. Already looking fab! It will be lovely to see how it takes shape! xx

  3. loving the colour combinations, the book will look awesome :)

  4. Thanks all of you - I am thrilled with how these pages are looking especially since this is not a usual colour combo for me. Can't wait to do the next stages


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