Thursday, January 9, 2020

Creating a book a month. January : Little Book of Whispers

I have an Intention to create a book a month this year. January's book is inspired by Laly Mille's class Little Book of Whispers which I purchased in the Black Friday online sales last year (that link also contains some FREE Laly Mille inspiration) 
It begins with gatherings and a need for wishes, hope, gentleness, bravery, faith, positivity, strength, gratitude, and intentional self-care. As often happens with me, serendipitously this poem by Victoria Erickson crossed my path at the perfect moment. It captured my inner landscape perfectly: 
Although Laly's lesson encouraged collection of neutral tones, my art is always very colourful. I am very interested in Chakra colours. Green is for the Heart = it is the colour of healing, balance, tranquility, and serenity. It brings wholeness to our lives. Blue is for communication and is the colour used to soothe the soul. It seemed fitting that the analogous colour of Turquoise be my accent colour - happily this is also one of my most favourite colours ♥ These are my initial gatherings. Click on the photo to see it larger.
I'm trying to keep to only what I absolutely love. I look forward to sharing my first small book for the year completed. Go HERE to see it finished.

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