Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Book of Days : January with Effy Wild

I am loving all the offerings for January in Book of Days 2020. This next journal page is inspired by Effy's lovely Bloom Lesson (top left)
I don't usually work much with watercolours, but I have worked using them over watercolour ground on my last 3 out of 4 pages in my altered art journal! It started with my whimsical mermaids, then there was my guardian angel in brighter colours and most recently my wish feathers and art cardI really wanted to try out Effy's lesson but last time I tried this technique I borrowed metallic watercolours to go over the black gesso. I want to feel more bright than moody at present, so I've covered my spread with Goldens watercolour ground which goes on white so has the advantage of lightening my page but not fully disguising the background text and I love both of those things.
I used watercolours and then gorgeous iridescent pebeo paints - they are divine. These are just 4 of them, I think I have most of their colours. (purchased in New Zealand at Gordon Harris - just looked up for that link and they are currently on sale....Effy uses these so I think they are also readily available in Northern hemisphere)
Created my blooms and glazed the background
This is my garden of intention so wanted to add some found words.
White doodles change the look of the flowers entirely ♥

I try and use my word of the year often in the art I create at the beginning of the year to really embed it in my consciousness. Here's my Bloom spread complete
Find out more about the collaborative year-long class Book of Days 2020 and join us HERETHIS LINK will take you to all the work I've ever done inspired by Book of Days through the years (I began when I won 6 months of this class in 2016


  1. Oh, this is remarkable! The colors are so vibrant and the flowers are funky and fun.

    1. So fun to layer and doodles are the making of this ♥

  2. A super page! I'm working my way backwards and I'm in awe of how much you've got done just in the month of January!

    1. Hope you've had a happy January. It's my summer hols without leaving home so has been a fantastically creative month


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