Sunday, July 21, 2019

Klimt in the garden with Rumi : Wonders

School holidays have allowed me to catch up on my art cards inspired by Effy's A Year of Rumi online class. The latest one I shared was the Klimt Lovers, and now it's time for June's quote "We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us". I thought I would put the quote in the middle of my piece of watercolour card this time and celebrate Klimt in the Garden in a big way, including butterflies since they are my favourite symbol of transformation and wonder. 
Remembering that my base watercolour card is a 5 3/4" square, my initial gatherings are always about sparking inspiration without expecting that everything will be included in the final piece.
I love to start with a gold base for the glow it gives and used a small brayer to apply the paint this time. As I did my gatherings, I was attracted to the blues and I kept being drawn to the imagery of birds and nests. The blues feel like a wintery colour (current season in NZ), and I've been home for a couple of weeks on holidays being settled and getting back on my feet {nesting} - eggs can also be a symbol of hope and new life - birds sing joyfully and spread their wings to new places but can always return to their home. I draw an Oracle card each week and this week's is "Abundance" (Vintage Wisdom Oracle deck)
Image result for abundance vintage wisdom oracle card
A lot goes on in my head while I'm gathering! Sharing so that you see layers of meaning are often captured within the finished art cards. As I tried things out, the card took a different direction than 'planned' 
Still using a mix of metallic machine stitching and hand stitching
I wrote the date information on a piece of paper and stitched that to the backing fabric before attaching to the card. Bringing back the winter blue
This card is the ninth in my series. I haven't yet done July's prompt so there should be 6 more cards in this collection by the end of the year ♥
Find out more about the "A Year with Rumi" class with Effy Wild HEREYou can also enjoy this class by joining Effy's Patreon account and paying monthly. Check out the labels below for more entries about my project.


  1. Such wonderful collages! They look amazing all together but also individually, packed with colour and texture and meaning! It's lovely to see your collection grow and coming together by the end of the year! The first photo is a feast in itself and so full of possibilities, even if you haven't used all the bits - I'm sure they'll come in handy for some of the other cards.

    1. Thanks Zsuzsa. I am thrilled that they look like a series when seen together. A very rewarding project and loving the stitch elements ♥ As you say, can't wait to see what they'll all look like by end of the year.


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