Friday, July 19, 2019

Another face transfer transformed

In my previous art journal post I shared the transformation of an image transfer to a finished face in my journal. Read about the initial transfer process there. 
I'm now ready to share the journey of the second face. Click on any photo to see it larger
Gesso through stencils above - glazes added below and pulled into the face for initial shading
Always amazed how much the face comes to life just with the addition of black and white pens - that's all I've changed for the next stage!
Some better face/eye shading (I prefer this pencil shading) but not sure what her story is yet...
and then it was obvious
My favourite word and the butterfly is one of my recurring symbols of transformation, change, transition, joy and beauty 
Ready to start the new school term on Monday with confidence, energy, and desire to keep my creative fire burning bright
Loving that both these faces are from my own head and not based on a particular lesson. I am making my own art ♥
I am working in an altered art journal and my pages always start like this :
I wonder what's going to happen next?.....


  1. Very nicely done! It's helpful to see the stages of your shading. It always surprises me how many layers it takes to get that facial depth.

    1. Yes I love taking process shots - really great how everything can be changed and, as you say, just adds to the finished look


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