Monday, May 6, 2019

Gelli plate printing inspiration

In Feb-March I taught 5 x 2-hour evening classes to introduce some local women to art journaling.
The class was so successful (examples of their art above) that I was asked to continue with a monthly 2-hour class where we concentrate on one technique and have a short demo and then time to play. Our first one was 1st May on Gelli plate printing.

The above photo was my demonstration table....And below is what the class produced. Some had never tried these techniques before. It was a fun night and they were all pleased with their experiments.
Since there is a lot of free instruction available on the internet, I thought I would share some resources that might help you have a play day at home 
Marieke Blokland has a free guide with basic instructions to get you started HERE.
Gelli Arts (original makers of the reusable gelli plate) have a whole YouTube channel of Free techniques HERE
plus their blog HERE
which features many great artists (tabs along the top of their blog). My favourite is Birgit Koopsen 
She also has her own YouTube channel which includes this cool tutorial where she shows how to use tags that she has used to demo techniques to create a small book. 
This youtube video by Marsha Valk shows a heap of techniques in your journal in 5 1/2 minutes ♥
Grab some friends and do some experimenting - it's much more fun to laugh about the things that don't turn out quite as planned and there's lots more learning that happens with a friend or in a group. Click on the labels at the bottom of this post to find more posts where I've used a Gelli plate ♥


  1. Your group really took to art journaling! Their accordion books are lovely. And, ohhhh, the gelli prints. It's hard to stop once you get printing. They have a good supply of papers now to use in their journals. Thanks for the links.

  2. Oh wow, this much color in one place makes me happy!

  3. Me too Hanna ♥ Great results from a cool group

  4. Thanks Nancy - it was a really cool class and got me wanting to do more printing again.

  5. Such cool prints! I really like those darker ones on the music score. I always forget how much fun gelli printing is! Some great resources there - I'm intrigued by the tag book so will check it out!

  6. Hey Zsuzsa - cool that the prints are so varied and individual. Definitely check out the tag book - so easy and so effective.


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