Sunday, May 5, 2019

From April to May

The photo above is of the art I completed last month (top right is a pompom monster for craft club). April included 2 weeks of school holidays which means I didn't have to go into work but I did have quite the list of things to do - some work related, some housework related, some creativity related. 
In April I found myself grappling with overwhelm, despite school holidays, or perhaps because of them! I am not very good about keeping limits on my to do lists and I tend to dwell on what I am not getting done. Keeping up blog posts like this helps to remind me that I continue to art regularly. I dearly wish that I had more completed art to share, but I must remember that I also prepared for my Gelli printing class (sharing that on the blog tomorrow)
and began a quilt (to be shared when complete)
I also cleaned my oven, tidied my studio
swapped over my closet to winter clothes, continued to write in my Inner Work journal almost every day and took photos of my #arteveryday practice when I arted. 
With the chillier weather starting and being dark by 6pm, I have been been staying inside more at night instead of arting out in my studio. I need to make more of an effort to take my art inside in May. This is what I read and watched, and listened to the new P!nk album ♥
I especially loved reading "The Weight of Ink" and "After Life" was funny, sad and thought-provoking. A great watch.
In April, my focus for the month came from the N letter of my word Shine : Notice. I concentrated on trying to have balance, and to recognise when I needed rest and self-care. I wasn't always successful but I did increase my social events this month and re-connected with friends and wider family which was awesome ♥ 
I've mentioned in a couple of recent posts that I struggle with leaving Summer behind - Juliet Batten's writing HERE is a lovely reminder of the importance of the cycle of seasons and the blessings of Autumn and entering inner quiet. I think part of my struggle is that I know that I don't create as much in the cooler months - although there is always some fear around a "creative slump", in reality I need to remember that I am percolating/ absorbing/ processing and there will be a new season of creativity ahead for me ♥ Keeping this blog is invaluable for looking back and recognising these cycles and seasonal changes. 
In May, my focus from my word Shine is E : EASE
I will be sharing my creative energy with students at school for Electives (neonatal quilts again with a new group of students) and will be continuing to teach art journaling one evening a month. Preparing for those classes and getting creative energy back from the students' enthusiasm helps my motivation so I look forward to that. Part of ease is about doing things that call you and so I've been thinking about what I want to do next that excites me creatively. I am inspired by Rae Missigman's 100 Day Project - her focus is on stitched marks worked over canvas fabric 2 x 2 inch squares. 
Roben-Marie Smith is doing 100 days of working small and including stitch elements too. Click on the photo or follow that link to see larger.
Last year I attempted #100daysofstitch and it did get me stitching again. I especially loved the work I did inspired by the Stitch*bookery class with Mary Ann Moss. I have been enjoying my Klimt in the garden with Rumi project because I continue to include a stitching element.
I can feel excitement as I write about these projects so need to think more about these ideas going forward. I know this month is going to be busy, but I feel happy and ready for the challenges ahead. 
And finally, I had an email from someone who said they couldn't leave comments on my blog. I have changed a setting - please let me know if that makes a difference. Leave me a comment ;-)


  1. You had quite a productive month, and it seemed to fly by in an eyeblink! I love stitches in mixed media pieces, too. And I'm really looking forward to photos of your gelli print class. What fun those plates are.

  2. Thanks Nancy. Incredible to do these posts and really look back cos I felt like I didn't do much last month!!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.