Sunday, February 24, 2019

Moonshine : Full Moon Gratitude February

Oh hi - I missed you. I haven't been well...I'll give you full update about what's been going on when I do my end of the month review, but for now, I'm back - YAY ♥ Sharing my latest art journal spread. Full Moon is for being with what is - to celebrate or express gratitude for what has come to fruition or to acknowledge something being good/right in my life. My New Moon intentions were about nourishing my body (food as fuel), and how I can nurture my Inner Wild Child. I celebrated the Wild child at New Moon. Full Moon in Virgo : "Be in your body this full moon, enjoy your sensual self". I've made a huge shift this month in how I feel about my body and it's time to celebrate that. I'm returning to a lesson from last year that inspired me to create this binder cover embodied :
One of our themes for February is Devotion and in that wonderful way the universe has of synchronicity, I have been reading Mary Oliver's Upstream and found this perfect quote : "Attention is the beginning of Devotion". With all of that in mind, here's how my journal page evolved. 
I'm being challenged by my new smaller altered journal size, but it pushed me to try a different silhouette ♥
I stenciled the hearts in titanium white before adding the glaze. 
Using some of my favourite stencils in the background and then the words completed my page. 
So glad to be back creating again. Talk to you again soon 


  1. What a great way to celebrate your body and get in touch with your femininity! I haven't been paying much attention to the moon cycles, but I like the idea that the new moon offers a new beginning and a chance to start again and make commitments (something I'm not very good at). Hope you're feeling better soon! xx

  2. Thanks Zsuzsa - yes feeling enthusiastic about opportunities in March and I love the idea of new moon for intention and full moon for gratitude ♥


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