Monday, January 28, 2019

Poppy Quilt Completed

When I began the #100daysofstitch project, a new quilt was one of my goals. I had this lovely fabric and pattern
After some tweaking of measurements, stitching started in June, and when I celebrated my 8th bloggiversary I was able to show all my rectangular units laid out for consideration of placement for a day or 2 before putting together
When I shared quilt show inspirations in October I had got no further than piecing this together, but I took a photo on my clothesline and realised that what I needed was another row down one side to improve the quilt's proportions
My goal is to be using up my stash of fabric, so I played around and while I had quite a bit of the large poppy fabric left, I was a bit challenged by the rest. I had to join a couple of fabrics to cut the block sizes needed (but I don't think you'll see that once quilted) and I've had to use the green rose print for a block which I've only used elsewhere as a bar strip, but I think it works
Summer holidays have meant I've finally made time to layer and quilt this one. Because I didn't get it finished by end of 2018, I did get the bonus of 75% off Christmas fabric so my backing only cost $5/metre! Love a bargain.
At the point of just wanting to get this project finished without fuss, so straight line quilting was my best quick option - also doesn't detract from the gorgeous fabric.
The quilting isn't perfect (I just eye-balled it) but done is better than perfect! 
and I bound it with the leftover large poppy fabric which worked really well
Thrilled to be able to share this at our first quilt club meeting for the year tonight. 
You can find the link to get your copy of this free pattern by Valori Wells HERE


  1. Wow, that looks really pretty! I can't even begin to imagine the work that's gone into it! I bet you're pleased (and perhaps a little relieved) that it's finished!

  2. I am so thrilled to have it finished and yes relieved to have it off my 'to do' list - don't think I'll be making another large quilt this year :D


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