Thursday, January 31, 2019

Book of Days inspired

Book of Days 2019 is being taught as a collaborative this year. This means that monthly we get a PDF of themed musings and daily prompts from Effy, a full lesson from Effy, an interview with and full lesson from a guest artist (who is a favourite teacher of EFfy) plus a bonus introduction to an emerging teacher (this month that's Marit). 
January's guest artist is Sarah Trumpp. Her focal figures are quite different from mine, but I love her teaching style, her background ideas, her colour combos and it's so fun to watch someone else's process.
First was to layer up with collage (use credit card to smooth out bubbles) : gelli prints and paper serviettes - trying to stretch myself by using graphic lines and colours I don't usually use
I played with some transparent paints and then some stencils with some new heavy body acrylics
Feeling happy and at home with this process. I adore this background and had to sit and look at it for a few days before I was happy to move onto the next stage ♥
I decided I needed a face in my journal and I took a different direction from Sarah here, but am happy with the outcome. 
I love gold pen detailing - see more of it by clicking on the photo to see it larger. January's PDF was themed around Hope, Desire and Joy. I've been writing in my Inner Work journal in response to some of Effy's daily prompts and these words became the perfect way to finish this journal page. Also Shine
My goal this year is to be inspired by my art teachers but to then create in my own style ✔
Click HERE for Sarah's awesome Gelli printing demo on YouTube, and she sells awesome stencils too. You can sign up to BOD2019 HERE


  1. I really liked your base layer of bits and pieces, but you made it ever better!

  2. There's no stopping you, Lynette! Love all the layered patterns in this!

  3. I loved all the layered patterns too. Hard to cover over so I am glad I love the face that turned up ♥


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