Saturday, November 17, 2018

#arteveryday : week 2

Week 2 review of trying to #arteveryday. I'm finding that taking a photo a day so I can share it here is motivating. Read about my first week where I more fully explain this November challenge HERE.
Saturday : I thought all I'd manage today was printing out this lovely poem for my journal page onto an old calendar picture...but then I managed some doodling in the evening
and picking flowers from my garden and arranging them in a vase counts as creative ♥
Sunday : portrait progress in my journal
Monday : finished spread. Full post HERE
Tuesday : guiding craft club at school
Laying down some paint through stencils and Dylusions drippage for a new background in my journal and managed to finish the doodles on my girls' arm and in her flower (that was already part of the magazine picture)
Inspired by this film on Netflix 
Wednesday : slapped me art but printed out this wonderful quote by Victoria Erickson for my Inner Work Journal and shared it on my FB Artist page. It fits perfectly with why I am trying to #arteveryday ♥ AND I still wrote in my Inner Work Journal (as I do almost every day) so that's not nothing
...thinking a lot about personal style development and where I want to spend my time creatively developing in the future.
Thursday : Dina-style face ♥
Friday : and another
See the complete spread HERE.
I hope you are inspired by these posts to #arteveryday. It doesn't take much to build up journal pages when you are not demanding lots of time all in one block. I am thrilled with my progress this month and it's all down to this new challenge.
Happy creative weekend to you.


  1. Hi Lynette, so sorry I haven't visited in a while! It's been a bit crazy at work trying to make up for the week I took off. I love this initiative and the direction it's taking you. I haven't done anything creative for over a week, but I'm inspired by your approach of doing something each day, even if it's just printing an uplifting quote! Loving those faces - they look a bit different from your usual ones, but I can still see you in them! Happy arting! Hopefully, I can fit in some creative time soon myself!

  2. A week of lovely work! Thanks for answering my question about the big pink flower. It's the perfect image for your doodling. Faces are so intriguing to paint/draw. I never knew I wanted to or could make them, and yet various instructors break it down so it's manageable for all of us.

  3. Thanks Zsuzsa and Nancy - I love taking the daily progress photos and enjoying the face development/experiments happening currently.
    Happy weekend to you both


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