Friday, October 5, 2018

Recycled doodle journals 2

Nearing the end of the first week of our school holidays and I've spent most of my time watching my eldest son play basketball for the New Zealand Secondary Schools' National competition
There have been some tense moments and wonderful ones - quite a lot of shouting and excitement can be exhausting being a supporter! ♥
There hasn't been much time for art, but I'm really happy that I have had my 2 small doodle journals for moments of calm. I have many magazine faces glued into one journal, 
and the other I have lying open in my studio so that I can add paint layers when doing other art. And discovering that old lumpy gesso can be used as a base layer if scraped on with an old credit card
It's fun to see how the pages develop
Trying different marks with my new pen
When I got a bit stuck, I had a little look through this lovely library book
If you see designs similar to what you do and then incorporate the ideas into your art, they become part of your lexicon. Here are a couple of the book page designs
If you draw them in your journal instead of just photocopying the pages they can spark additional ideas to make them more your own
I used the Sakura White Gelly Roll pen for the doodles on all of these pages - might try a different one next time
I am not listening to any comparey monsters - I know will never be as talented as Alisa Burke, but the point is that doodling in these journals makes me happy and it's all about the process - I share to inspire you ♥


  1. Happy, doodling, journals- it all counts as good in my book! These are terrific, and you've done lots of work on them. You must go through quite a few pens!

  2. Amazing how much ink in those pens - same pen did all those sign of running out yet!


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