Sunday, September 30, 2018

September review

I don't think I'm the only one who thought September rolled by in a flash - for me it was a combination of events every weekend, School Production, and lots of Basketball for our boys with Regionals, finals for Mens' League and high school competitions, and an injury (luckily not as serious as first thought) and rehab for our eldest in time for Nationals which begin this week. 
Being away a lot on weekends cut down on how much I've been able to watch this month, but OMG - the P!NK concert in Auckland was A-MAZ-ING ♥♥♥
And if you haven't seen "Maudie" it's a lovely movie about the life of folk artist Maud Lewis, who painted in Nova Scotia. Really enjoyed it. 
I also had a wonderful relaxing time away for a girls' weekend in Raumati. Sometimes you just have to leave everything else behind and be present with people you care about...and the beach - the beach always helps ♥
As well as writing almost daily in my Inner Work Journal, I have weekly pages that I've printed from the Planner for a Magical Year - get your 2019 version HERE UNLESS you live in the Southern Hemisphere in which case she will release our version in the next month or so....
I use mine for briefer notes of the week - like this - what I'm doing daily, rather than how I feel about it
And I continue to learn - I printed out this article and printed it to my journal then modified it as a reminder not to compare my journey/my art and also not to spend all my time researching other people's ideas on things - I do good research - I'm a librarian. But other people's ideas can sometimes be time-wasters (eg. spending time looking at how someone works in their journal instead of working in your own) or a block to what your heart already knows and is trying to tell you
In amongst all that, I still managed to make art in a couple of journals - YAY 
I thought it might be fun to share new supplies monthly too....Rae Missigman's book arrived from Book Depository, and you can check out my review HERE.
Great deal at Warehouse Stationery last week - buy 2 stencils get one free....I'd gone in to buy that pen for my doodle journals project. Excited for it to get some use very soon.
I have been very much looking forward to October - school holidays for 2 weeks, daylight savings (longer days, warmer temperatures), Tam's free online summit, a couple of quilt shows to inspire, and first roses are beginning to bloom in my garden
We're heading into a week of watching basketball and catching up with friends, and hopefully some art....share again soon I hope. Happy October to you


  1. Such beautiful soft pinks in that rose! Thanks for the recommendations - I must look up Rae's book. Also the movie you mentioned - I really want to see A Star is Born which was released today in the UK, ahead of the US, which is unusual. I might have to wait until it comes out on DVD though. Enjoy your October, which I guess is the equivalent of our April! xx

  2. Thanks Zsuzsa - in the midst of basketball tournament at the moment - very tense, exciting, exhausting! Not much time for art but enjoying my small doodled recycled journals for some meditative minutes. Enjoy your Autumn - I know you like that more than the heat of Summer :-)


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