Friday, July 20, 2018

She Blooms in Ink : tilted up face

I'd already attempted a couple of tilted faces inspired by Tam in my altered art journal and was very happy with how they turned out: 
See Calm HERE and my grateful warrior HERE. I wanted to try one more so I had all the examples of the lessons in the same watercolour paper format. This was my initial sketch and first shadings
And more colour added - nice to try something more inky than my previous faces inspired by this lesson
Limited supplies - this time using watercolour crayons and it's great to use ink from spray bottles that are too empty to spray. This turquoise {hydrangea blue} has a lovely glow
Needed the white pen for light details this time
LOVE the look of the white over that soft pink 
Close-up of her face shading and you can click on any photo to see it larger
I like that this inky technique means she can be messily imperfect
A fun way to spend time creatively in my holidays and I keep remembering Dina Wakley's often-repeated words "Done is better than perfect". 
Tam's She Blooms in Ink online class is now available for self study with life long access. You can register HERE. See all my posts about this class HERE.


  1. Faces are challenging, and up-turned or side-view ones even more so. You've done beautifully!

  2. This is a fantastic course for different face profiles/tilts - Tam is such a clear teacher. So lucky to have some holiday time to spend playing

  3. I haven't practiced faces for absolute ages - feeling inspired to try again now!

  4. Something for a holidays play perhaps? Love that you are inspired ♥


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