Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Quilt Show Inspiration

Just had a lovely weekend which included quilts and family together ♥ On Saturday, it was our quilt club's annual Tote & Gloat day. The morning is a couple of hours of people showing their quilts, then there's lunch and a speaker in the afternoon. This year it was Lynette Anderson from Australia and she was lovely sharing her journey and her design ideas. All around that there are shops, raffles, and other displays to look at. This is the show through my eyes. Click on any photo to see it larger. We arrived early so we could do some shopping - and there was lots to choose from
I only purchased some yellow fabric to tone with these poppy fabrics for my next quilt
We had to vote for our choice in both the club challenges. These were my favourites from the Trippy Triangles challenge : "Varlet Farm in Summer" by Erilyn McMillan
"Triangles Galore" by Anne Adams
"Colourful Trippy Triangles in Autumn" by Sonja Revell
There was also a button challenge. This wasn't an entry, but so cool to have on display
Check out the club's blog post HERE to see all the prize winners at the show. Was lovely to see all the quilts made in the past 12 months - they are held up and spoken about on stage and then most are hung afterwards for closer examination and enjoyment
Each year I'm interested to see what inspires me most. Unfortunately I can't credit these since they are shown and then hung without labels. 
I love applique, colour, quilts that are pretty, and quilts with simple but effective designs for 'stash-busting' (I need to start using up my rather large collection of fabrics!)....or some combination of those things ♥
And this is my lovely friend Marion with her stunning work : 
There were several extra exhibition displays this year. I'm just going to share a couple. This was the Orange challenge from Aotearoa Quilters.
These are the winners of this colourful challenge : 
I was particularly taken with this wee quilt - techniques used to lovely effect
and I've been thinking about combining my love of faces with quilting so also inspired by this 
and these from other challenges exhibited on the day which did have labels : 
"Breathe" by Joy McFadden from Australia (Brother Quilt challenge : Outstanding performance award)
"A Granny" by Clare Smith, Wellington
"Most Fragile" by Sandy Briggs
That's all the quilt inspiration, and this is the family love from my weekend. Hope you had a happy mothers' day. This was me on Sunday with my two gorgeous boys and my lovely mum. 
Wishing you a creatively inspired week.


  1. What an amazing event and wonderful creations! Thanks for sharing all these photos - I almost feel like I've been there!

  2. Thanks 😊 Certainly inspiring - hopefully I'll be able to share quilt making of my own again soon.


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