Thursday, May 10, 2018

#100daysofstitch : Week 5

I decided to join #The100DayProject and my focus is #100daysofstitch. This came in an email from the project co-ordinators today : 
My words of encouragement, to myself, are that I need to do what works for me. I am happy that this project has already served its purpose in bringing stitch back into my creative life. I'm still calling these posts #100daysofstitch, but I've stopped counting days and have decided instead that each week I'll just do a summary of progress with stitch here on the blog. Hopefully sometimes that will be replaced by a whole post celebrating a completed project. I am growing and learning as I go. I have done more stitching on my paper and stitch cotton reel book. Base only - will get lots more additional embellishments and layers.
I am loving the colours and my progress, but learning that I need to decide on one stitch project at the moment so I can see more progress to motivate me. I spend some of my valuable creative time dithering about which project I should be doing!
We have our annual Tote & Gloat quilt show on Saturday. We take quilts to show that we've made in the last 12 months and this year I don't have one to show...I'd like to get back to making more than 1 quilt a year!
This is my disappearing 9 patch from April last year. Still love it ♥ Have begun to cut out my new quilt, but now think I will concentrate on finishing my stitched paper first and then have this project lined up next. 
In the meantime, I've been sharing my quilting love with my craft club students at school. They are all very enthusiastic about pattern possibilities and happily chose fabrics on Tuesday. Just need some adult volunteers to help as they start to cut and sew with the machines. I hope they get that support.
Loving my creative journey ♥ Talk to you again soon.

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