Thursday, March 8, 2018

Looking forward : Spark joy

My word for this year is SHINEFebruary was hard but I'm heading into March with a positive outlook and some new things to think about and be inspired by. I am still enjoying writing and planning in my Inner Work JournalI always keep a record of what I've been reading and watching during the month - it's a bit eclectic since some of the watching is dictated by what we want to watch as a family (teenage boys in mine) and sometimes the reading includes books that I am trying out to share in my job as school librarian. This was Feb : 
I wanted to share this because I highly recommend "Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine" and "The Orphan's Tale". "Paddington" movie is also charming - must try and see the second which I've been told is even better! 
At the end of each month I do a bit of a review and a look ahead, based around some prompts from Susannah Conway about checking in with your word.
One of the prompts asks "How can I bring more SHINE into my home?" so I've been reading this book from our lovely library
and am feeling really enthusiastic to try some clearing in my home and also in my studio. I like that the title aligns with "Shine" for me ♥ This is a nice review of the kinds of results I hope to get out of this process. If you want to take it even further, Brave Girls have a course currently running called Soul Shaker
It's about decluttering all aspects of your life, and you can join the free FB group to get some insights without joining the paid course.
In Effy's Moonshine class we are exploring Origins and Oracles this months and I thought you might like to see some FREE offerings that have been shared in our group. I considered  making my own oracle deck. I don't think I am up to that this month but have saved this free class for later. 
If you are wanting to inject some more magic/woo woo into your life, there's this 30 day challenge which you can access HERE (and do any time)
and Effy has created a YouTube of how she's approaching that for this month HERE
For those of us in transition for whatever reason/s, this is available to buy or for free printable download
New stencils always make me happy = cheap from Warehouse Stationery
and special ones from Etsy Wonderstrumpet 
AND I have just started drawing mandalas inspired by Andrea Schroeder which also spark joy ♥ "It's about the process, not the product"
Happy March to you. 


  1. Your post is full of good stuff! I'll look into those books. And you know, of course, that I love mandalas, too. Great stencils. Nice that you keep a record of movies and books. I never thing to do that, although I often take notes on books- I guess that's a bit of a record.

  2. Thanks Nancy - the mandalas are a lovely happy-making thing to do. I am hoping to make something inspired by the stencils this weekend.
    Hope yours is a happy creative one as well. L

  3. Nice to see that you're keeping yourself busy creatively, Lynette and that you've found ways to keep SHINE relevant to you this year, despite the heartache of losing your dad. I so love the oracle deck idea - it's definitely something I would want to do in the future. I also love the idea of recording what you've read and seen for future reference - I wish I had the same drive as you, but I'm just not organised enough! Perhaps it comes with working in a library where keeping records becomes second nature? I do file my Kindle books in year folders on my device - at least that's something LOL! Wishing you a lovely weekend! Most of the comments on my new blog post have mysteriously disappeared overnight but yours is still there :)

  4. I so love the idea of the oracle deck too - on the one day list! I do love having these records so I can remember I am doing something when I feel like nothing is happening. Hope you are enjoying your new job and that you are seeing signs of spring soon xo


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