Sunday, March 4, 2018

#52stamps : Week 9

The challenge = to share at least one new stamp made by me weekly in 2018. Simple is good at the moment and inspiration strikes in unexpected places. When I was brushing my teeth the other day, I thought that these tiles hanging in my bathroom could inspire some stamps
And I was right ♥
You can see all my posts about #52stamps HERE or you can join in on Instagram.

February was hard - my gorgeous Dad died and it's affected me in lots of different ways. I've felt strong, and loving, and brave, and exhausted, and unmotivated, and overwhelmed... such an event gives you a new perspective, cuts through the crap, and feels so surreal... I want to be creative, I just want to blob out in front of netflix, I want to make meaningful art, I want to crawl into bed, I can't sleep, I don't want to get up..... I want to connect with people who love me, I don't want to talk about it, it helps to be social, it's exhausting to be with others going over the same stuff.... I'm a mother, a wife, a daughter, a friend, a sister, (the ranking changes depending on what's needed) a teacher... I am lucky and loved, I am showing up in all the ways I am best capable right now and I continue to try and shine so others are inspired to shine too. 
Right now my intention is to keep showing up here on the blog when I can - even if it's just the weekly stamp challenge. I appreciate that you're here ♥  

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