Friday, December 8, 2017

FREE online art classes and inspiration

How's December going for you? Thought I'd share some Free stuff in case you need a bit of creative escape time - I know I do!!
Jen Morris has shared some prompts with the specific intention of savouring December instead of rushing forward to the new year: "to take some time each day to slow down, be present and feel grateful for the things around you. It’s to really sink into the moment, to find the stillness and savour what is left of the year."
Read more about her wonderful idea HERE.
Effy Wild has generously created a FREE workshop for members of her network "To see us through" : comfort and support over the long winter months (if you live in the Northern Hemisphere) or something to do indoors and out of the blazing heat (if you live in the Southern Hemisphere).
Sign up HERE. This will give you a taste of Effy's style of teaching - includes a couple of tutorials "Book of Days" style, as well as prompts for December and looking forward to 2018.
Susannah Conway has released her annual end-of-year FREE offerings : Go HERE for Unravel your Year
and you can sign up to find your word for 2018 HERE - 5 inspiring emails over 5 days
Not free, but on early-bird price of US$26 until Dec 31 - sign up for Ali Edwards' One Little Word 2018 class HERE. Get a feel for this class by seeing what I did with the prompts this year HERE.
I also did a post last month about projects for December which included some other FREE ideas HERE.
This time of year can be overwhelming, but it can also be special and exciting as we look forward to a holiday break and a chance to think about new possibilities. I hope you find lots to be joyful about this month xo

PS. I have a link to a list of Cheap and Free online art classes top right of my blog (or just go HERE) which I will be updating again in January. Please let me know if there is anything that you know of that I might need to add to that.

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