Saturday, December 9, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 49

Almost at the end of this project. This week I've done a different take on the prompt from the blog for Life Documented 2017 HERE : 
Prompt: Make an envelope or envelopes
Technique: Print on them, gelli them, collage them, paint them 
and combined it with a response to a lesson by Effy Wild
Rather than make an envelope, I've made use of an envelope! I am always looking for ways to include more stitch in my work, so decided to stitch some small leaves with my machine - I have gone over the lines twice and tried out a couple of different designs.
Then I roughly tore around them. This is fairly easy to do since the stitching perforates the paper. The enclosed leaves worked much better than the swirls.
Effy had a tutorial recently about using photos to focus on what feeds your Soul to get you through her Northern Hemisphere Winter, or my Long Hot Summer. She started with a black background and used black and white photos. If you've seen my spreads in this journal lately, you'll know I'm all about colour!  I wanted to start with a base colour with enough depth to add gold highlights later, and to complement the colours in my photographs. Summer holidays are on their way - my boys have finished school this week and I only have another 5 days to go. Can't wait! 
I need the following to make my Summer holidays perfect : Water - drink lots of it, swim in it, walk beside it to recharge
Holidays means I have time to create - and I make sure I do that A LOT
Connection - I love to share my creativity with you here on the blog and in my various class FB groups
I want to have lots of outings with both friends and family - dinners, barbecues, wine, just hanging out together
but alone time is also important to me 
In my previous post, I shared links for finding a Word of the Year. I don't think I'm done with SHINE yet - all of these things enable me to do that
I am really happy with my completed spread. The lesson was a fun reflection on what makes me happy in Summer ♥
You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HERE.


  1. Lovely journal spread, and clever use of the security envelope!

  2. What a beautiful spread! I love the BLUE and especially love your stitched embellies!

  3. Thanks Nancy and Michelle - I must remember this stitching more often ♥


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