Sunday, November 5, 2017


Been a busy weekend preparing for classes. I'm looking forward to teaching adults on Tuesday night : 
I shared details of my project here : take one piece of watercolour paper and a 2 hour workshop to transform it into a creative book.
And at work I'm doing craft club again this term - we made book marks for the first fortnight, and this week we start Christmas felt decorations as we did last year 
with the added option of cardboard, blunt needles and wool for our younger students similar to these : (instructions at hello, Wonderful
Next Saturday is our school's Gala - I've been asked to help with face painting...
So a busy but fun creative week ahead - I'll let you know how it all goes. 


  1. Oh my, your creativity goes in all directions! The book looks great, and the crafts look like fun. AND face painting! You must have a giant collection of supplies. Have fun.

  2. Thanks so much Nancy - I have lots of supplies - too many for my lifetime probably so good to share the joy of creation :-D


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