Monday, November 6, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 45

I've been following the prompts of the original Documented Life 2014Week 45 : add a tab And from the blog for Life Documented 2017 HERE : 
Prompt:       Start with a black background
Technique:  Using Black Gesso on white card stock
Quote:         “Friends are Flowers In the Garden of Life” Mary Engelbreit
My spread this week came together from a number of inspirations....first what I'm NOT doing : not adding a tab from 2014 prompt - my journal now looks like this and I'm not wanting to add too much more bulk in case I can't close it by the end of the year! 
I'm not using black gesso either - don't own any and have plenty of black paint.
Inspirations : my roses are all blooming - they are just gorgeous. I did a good job of pruning this year
and I am also enjoying a lovely variety on my table inside
As I was considering the prompt, Effy Wild posted a link to her Patreon account of a black and white page which inspired me to use a photo of myself.
Go view her time-lapsed video on YouTube HERE. So here's how I started with my black background : Dina's paint colour is called "Night" and it's got a deep purple feel which I LOVE
I was inspired by my yellow roses for my doodles 
and used a favourite gold Sakura gelly roll pen for added SHINE ♥  
Repeating shapes
Just having fun with doodles until I was completely surrounded by a gorgeous spread of Flowers
Wishing you a wonderful week. You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HERE.


  1. Great spread, left comment on LD. Now I want to look at your previous journal pages.

  2. I just went through you blog and we have taken almost the same path and many classes with the same teachers. I started with wearable art and crazy quilting years ago. It was Patty Mederis Culea (hope I got name right, memory is unreliable) was a doll maker and I made cloth books with her then slowly moved into journaling in 2006. You are the first person I saw mention Beryl Taylor, love her work. Also had several classes with Kelly Kilmer.

    What classes are you planning to take in 20018? I thought about Wanderlust again as they introduce such good artists but it is not much fun and there is very little community.

    You have quite made my day!

  3. Monica - you've made my day in turn with your lovely comments ♥ I did Life book in 2015 and 2016 and really enjoyed the teachers and lessons in there. Really great value for money. I have a great affinity with Effy Wild's art and teaching style and her building of community suits me very well. I have done so many courses over the years I haven't finished that I am going to only be enrolling for Effy's Book of Days and Moonshine offerings next year. I want to get back to doing more mixed media projects with stitch and I have my own "jar of projects" idea. I will, of course, blog more about this later!

  4. Looks like summer has well and truly arrived in your part of the world, Lynette! Those roses are lovely inspiration for your doodles. The side shot of the journal looks awesome! You can't possibly squeeze many more pages in there!

  5. Thanks Zsuzsa - I love that it's almost full and also proud that I am making the prompts work for me so that I can still feel happy and inspired with what I'm creating.


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