Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Summer Loving

I ♥ Summer - I'm a New Zealand blogger and know many of my followers are living the opposite season. It's very hard to believe that some of you are thinking about staying in from the cold and your nights are getting longer... 
My boys & I had our first swim after school yesterday - we are lucky to have a pool at our house and it reached over 28 degrees celsius yesterday (82.4 Fahrenheit) so we were in = Bliss. 
I have just had my ideal weekend away staying with a friend at her Mum & Dad's in Otaki. So relaxing before tackling the busy of the next few weeks. We began Saturday with a visit to Trinity Farm - highly recommended. It's the perfect time of year to see all the roses in bloom, and she has some lovely beds of flowers and some sweet garden features as well. Here are some of my favourite shots (click on any photo to see it larger)
Can't wait to include some of these beautiful blooms in projects inspired by Tam's class which starts this weekend ♥♥♥
So excited - you can still register on early bird pricing until Dec 1st HERE.
Then we had lovely creative time spread over both Saturday and Sunday
I'll share more about these projects when they are finished and gifted. It was such a lovely relaxing time. These perfect 'found words' were in a large print book.
We had a few breaks from our creative play with a lovely evening outing to the movies - this was sad but beautiful - loved it
and beach walks are my favourite place to recharge. First photo 8am  - perfect way to start the day with hardly anyone else in sight
I hope you are giving yourself plenty of quality self-care as we head into the silly season. Share with you again soon.


  1. Wow, so many lovely photos - where do I begin? I'm glad you're taking Tam's new class so I can take a little peek behind the scenes through your blog! We might be going into winter, but the days will start getting longer again within just a few weeks, but it's sure getting cold around here! Enjoy your summer and the run up to Christmas!

  2. Thanks :-) I can't wait for the class to start


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