Saturday, November 25, 2017

Projects for December!

By this time next week, December will be here! Have you got time for some creative projects now? If you can squeeze something into the end of the year, I highly recommend some kind of December Daily project. I've done a couple in the past : see my posts about my Stitched Paper Journal HERE
my December Daily from 2013 HERE
and from 2009 HERE
Susannah Conway has just released her FREE December reflections prompts. They would be fun to use for a December Daily. 
Find the daily prompts (a list of things to photograph and ponder) HEREShe is currently working on her annual FREE offerings by email : "Unravel Your Year workbook" and "Find your Word" - sign up to her email list to get these as soon as they're released HERE
If you decide on a word for 2018, Ali Edwards releases her One Little Word course sign-ups in December.
I'll be making Bookmarks for my librarians again this year - see how I made them last year HERE
and every year I make Christmas cards : 2016 are HERE
Online at Balzer Designs : #CARVEDDECEMBER2017 is coming
See all Julie Fei-Fan Balzer's  stamp carving posts HERE
I had decided I don't need to sign up for any more new classes BUT.....Tam has just released this
It's gorgeous faces, it's flowers, it's luscious inks and sprays, it starts Dec 1st and a class is released every week through to mid-January = my Summer holidays when I always have a huge burst of time and creativity = I already have the supplies, it's 7 full lessons + 3 bonus time-lapse and I know the quality of Tam's teaching - videos - PDFs means this will be great value for the money, it's on early bird pricing until Dec 1st....can you tell I am about to push the registration button HERE?! It's not technically registering for a new class in 2018 ♥
And from previous years, still available and FREE : 
Alisa Burke's Holiday Play HERE.
and Five Golden Letterings with Joanne Sharp HERE.
If you need other inspiration, scroll through ALL of my blog posts about Christmas HERE
We have just finished supporting our eldest son through his big exams for the year. Next up are our school break-ups and various night celebrations. I am so lucky that my work year finishes 15th December and I am looking forward to long hot Summer hols. Almost time to make Merry ♥


  1. You've been busy for sure! I especially love your cards and bookmarks. Enjoy your December!

  2. Thanks Nancy - I am looking forward to December for all sorts of reasons 😊
    Merry Merry to you


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