Saturday, October 28, 2017

Stitch*Bookery : book 4

Recently I decided it was about time to make myself a book from the Stitch*Bookery online class by Mary Ann Moss. The first 3 were all gifted. One of my favourite colours is purple, so I started making a concertina book on canvas featuring purple complemented by yellow and green. You might remember these progress shots from previous posts : 
I was stuck at this point (below) before I realised that the end pages form the cover...
and I was able to finish it today ♥ It's my fourth book made from this class, so I was thrilled to find these words for my cover : 
Click on any photo to see it larger
I just LOVE how it turned out. I also like the canvas back with the exposed stitching.
These are a couple of my favourite spreads from the back
Registration is currently open for this class until 1st November! - better get in now if you've been thinking about it. 
Check out all my posts about this class HERE. 


  1. Like you, I love the look of the stitching on the backs of each canvas page. You did a wonderful job with your book, and I'm going back now to enlarge the photos to see more details. It's really hard to stop making these, isn't it? And I have such a proliferation of paper scraps in my sewing room that I can't stop or they will completely take over! Thanks for sharing your work.

  2. Thanks Nancy - yes one of my favourite things is to stitch paper. Unfortunately I think I'll have to wait for our Summer holidays until I can do some more stitching! Only 8 weeks to go ♥

  3. This really turned out great! I have not attempted this style of book yet, but it's on my list of stuff to try!

  4. Thanks Sandra - I highly recommend it. This is not going to be my last - you will love it ♥


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