Sunday, October 29, 2017

Book of Days : using collage elements

Art lesson from Book of Days last month. I started her in September - didn't get very far!
This weekend I finally answered her call to become my Spring celebration. Effy's lesson was about using collage elements (something she doesn't usually do) and celebrating the abundance of Autumn. This was her example - shared on her blog HERE.
I share hers so you can see how I took mine in a different direction - she always encourages us to take what we've learned and make it our own. This is how I 're'-started last night.
One of my favourite techniques to use for collage is paper serviettes - using only the top layer and torn edges means they melt right into the page (see details in my tutorial here). Very fortunate to have been gifted this lovely serviette last week - perfect timing!
Worked on her face 
and then decided that her hair could do with some collaged serviette butterflies too
Here she is all finished. Click on any photo to see it larger.
Effy blogged every day in September. In her post "Revel", she talked about our BOD theme for October and provided the PDF of prompts FREE for you to have as well. The great thing is these prompts are useful for whenever you want to use them - they don't have to be October and you could even use them month to month - your answers will be different. These prompts are offered as a way in to self-inquiry. The way we use them in Book Of Days varies according to each person’s individual needs. Some of us cut and paste them into a written journal and engage them there. Some of us just let the prompt guide our writing in whatever direction it wants to take. Some of us use these prompts as a portal into our art journals.
See my Flickr album for all my art from classes with Effy HERESign up to Book of Days or other classes with Effy Wild HERE


  1. Super cool page and a very pretty face! I stopped painting faces as it's not my "forte" but I do miss it sometimes!

  2. It's the PROCESS of seeing what comes to life for the faces I love and I'm more caught up in the creative making than how it's going to look in the end and am often pleasantly surprised with my results lately! Do love incorporating the serviettes.


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