Sunday, August 20, 2017

Stitch*Bookery : book 2

Another gift of a book a la Stitch*Bookery class with Mary Ann Moss. I shared my first book from this class HERE. This time my recipient's favourite colours are mostly white with some grey and yellow.
It's so much fun to gather and stitch not planning any of the layout ahead of time....Some spreads have a lot going on 
(click on any photo to see it larger)
and some are much simpler letting textures do the work
I used a mix of yellow and grey rayon threads this time. 
Once again made on a wallpaper base, but a different cut used to get a different layout from book 1 and a few more pockets in this one. 
Pockets = opportunity for tags and it was fun to make a variety of these
The 3 stitched together are paint samples, and the wide one is lovely embossed card through a friend's cuttlebug (I shaped the top corners to make it look more tag like) - had to include a library card too ♥
A recycled dress tag is stitched to the page above, and below a wee square card (the yellow and pink love) that I stitched on slipped into a half-page that I didn't stitch down
I really enjoy different views of the pages laid out in different ways
But the best bit - how much my friend loved her gift
Miss Moss is running another session with registrations from late October if you like what I post about this class


  1. Absolutely gorgeous. What a wonderful gift! Isn't this course fabulous!!!!

  2. So creative and just beautiful!!

  3. Thanks so much Rachel - yes I am adoring this class ♥

  4. Thanks Nancy - just as well I make with recipient in mind or would be hard to gift away!


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